Individual Therapy

272114798We all have our own little bottle.

You know the one.

It lives somewhere inside you, and every time a feeling you don’t want to express comes up… that’s where it goes.

You’re overworked…

But you don’t have the time to look for another job, let alone apply, interview, etc. And even if you did have the time, you doubt anyone would hire you. No, you’d probably just get another employer squeezing as much as possible out of you… and that’s not what you want.

Put it in the bottle.

You’re stressed the F out…

But you can’t find a single thing to take off your plate that won’t somehow end up creating MORE stress. You know you’ll just reload that dishwasher your way.

Add it to the bottle. Shake it up a bit.

You are on the verge of a panic attack…

But you don’t have time for that! You’ve got to keep your cool.

Squeeze it into the bottle and toss it down a flight of stairs.

1685858491You’ve bottled up those feelings your whole life.

Now, that bottle can’t hold another ounce or tolerate one more shake.

You and your bottle have done well together for a LONG time. You are strong, persistent, and smart…

But you’re also human. You’re sensitive.

You don’t think you can pretend you’re okay (and the bottle won’t explode) for much longer. It’s all too much to bear. Besides, you really don’t want to anymore.

Some days you want to let it explode all over everyone, so they’ll stop piling more expectations on you.

If you keep clinging to that volatile little bottle…

You know, saying things like…

“I’m just tired,” when a loved one asks how you are.

“I’m good,” when a concerned colleague checks in on you.

“It’s fine,” when your friend notices something is up.

These are the lies you’ve been telling everyone around you.

They are the lies you’ve been telling yourself. The lies that are going to make the bottle explode.

Id 418217041But you don’t believe them anymore.

The truth is… you know SOMETHING needs to change. But you don’t see any great options. The problem is you can’t think of anything that won’t destroy the bottle.

But what if you let the bottle settle?

Therapy can help you do that. In fact, it might be the ONE place where you can put down all your stress and stop shaking the bottle.

Just like a real bottle, you need time, space, and air to settle.

You don’t have to worry about anyone but yourself in therapy, including your therapist (she can handle the mess).

Let’s slowly open that bottle so that it doesn’t explode on you or anyone else.

We can slightly untwist the cap to release some frustration…

We can untwist it a little more and let go of some sadness…

And when enough has escaped, we can open the bottle completely so that you can rest from the exhaustion, reconnect after the loneliness, and recharge your batteries.

When you do that, something wonderful happens.

You’ll be able to redesign your life so that it works with you, not against you.

Are you ready to stop shaking the bottle?

Great! Let’s set it down together. Schedule a free call with me today.